ODI Online Organizational Dynamics™

ODI is a management training and consulting firm in the business of helping organizations achieve alignment for profitability, growth, and competitiveness. ODI has worked with over 2000 leading organizations throughout the world including 12 of Fortune's top 20 companies.

Organizational Dynamics is best known for helping organizations implement successful Total Quality Management (TQM) strategies, Leadership and Leadership Training, Management and Middle Management Training, Organizational Alignment, and Alignment Measurement and Consulting.

ODI is a leading provider of Quality Improvement and Awareness, Process Improvement, Productivity Improvement and Continuous Improvement Training with World-Class Management and Supervisory Skills Training.

ODI was founded by George and it has grown from a small, training-based start-up to an international corporation offering integrated consulting and training services throughout the world.

ODI has also been instrumental in helping healthcare organizations achieve greater levels of organizational alignment and dramatically increase continuous quality improvement efforts. ODI has serviced a full range of healthcare institutions ranging from rural and regional facilities to major metropolitan hospitals. To date, ODI has helped over 1,250 healthcare organizations.
To learn more about how ODI can help you with training programs, management consulting
and workshops to help your organization achieve optimal alignment for your culture,
please visit us online at
Click Here to Contact George.
Copyright © 2009 George H. Labovitz, PhD